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===The Verkim Rebellion (1795-1799)===
===The Verkim Rebellion (1795-1799)===
In 1795 the decision was made to reduce the numbers of Verkim Prisoners working in the colony and to bring several of the originally transported groups back to prisons in Dolfikland, including many of the prisoners who now made up the Verkim Rangers, an organisation that had expanded to not only protecting the routes of commerce and mining tracks, but now also served as impromptu rural police and mail carriers, having been given bond to establish homes and communities by the authorities of the Verkimlund colony, many of these rangers openly rejected the call back to port, gathering many others both rangers and otherwise to their cause numbering nearly 6,000 men at arms at the rebellions height in 1793. in 1795, they marched on Salisbury, the then declared capital of the colony, with a force numbering around 300 men led by a ranger known as Ian Vestergild the garrison, made up mostly of verkim quickly turned to their cause and took up arms alongside them bringing there numbers in the then township upwards of 500 men. Vestergild, realising correctly that such a position could not be held against a superior force left the captured territory, taking its stores of shot and powder and led his force into the nurt cape where they fought a guerrilla campaign for the next 4 years, After the rebellion ended with the battle of Seleto Ridge, Vestergild was put to death as a traitor. His force of 3,422 Rangers however were allowed to remain in the nation with an extension to their sentences, most choosing to join the Company Militia in the coming years on a deal for veterans of the rebellion to gain commision as officers.  
In 1795 the decision was made to reduce the numbers of Verkim Prisoners working in the colony and to bring several of the originally transported groups back to prisons in Dolfikland, including many of the prisoners who now made up the Verkim Rangers, an organisation that had expanded to not only protecting the routes of commerce and mining tracks, but now also served as impromptu rural police and mail carriers, having been given bond to establish homes and communities by the authorities of the Verkimlund colony, many of these rangers openly rejected the call back to port, gathering many others both rangers and otherwise to their cause numbering nearly 6,000 men at arms at the rebellions height in 1793. in 1795, they marched on Salisbury, the then declared capital of the colony, with a force numbering around 300 men led by a ranger known as Ian Vestergild the garrison, made up mostly of verkim quickly turned to their cause and took up arms alongside them bringing there numbers in the then township upwards of 500 men. Vestergild, realising correctly that such a position could not be held against a superior force left the captured territory, taking its stores of shot and powder and led his force into the nurt cape where they fought a guerrilla campaign for the next 4 years, After the rebellion ended with the battle of Seleto Ridge, Vestergild was put to death as a traitor. His force of 3,422 Rangers however were allowed to remain in the nation with an extension to their sentences, most choosing to join the Company Militia in the coming years on a deal for veterans of the rebellion to gain commission as officers.  
The rebellion ended the practise of bonding rangers for good in the nation until the advent of the kettali rangers in 1937, the rebellion also put an end to the practice of using prison labour in the colony due to concerns of additional popular uprisings even larger than that of the rangers, should the larger mining population choose to rebel it was reasoned that a far larger and more costly guerrilla campaign could be fought on the same ground for far longer.
The rebellion ended the practise of bonding rangers for good in the nation until the advent of the kettali rangers in 1937, the rebellion also put an end to the practice of using prison labour in the colony due to concerns of additional popular uprisings even larger than that of the rangers, should the larger mining population choose to rebel it was reasoned that a far larger and more costly guerrilla campaign could be fought on the same ground for far longer.
===Company Rule (1799-1852)===
===Company Rule (1799-1852)===
In 1799 Operation of Verkim mining interests was handed over to the Chartered South Coast Company. At the time it being believed in dolfik mining circles that the creation of a relationship similar to mining communities at home was preferable to the continued use of unwilling prison labour prone to rebellion. As such control not only of the import and export of the colonial holding, but also daily administration of the land was handed to the company. This included administration of the nations Prison workforce. These prisoners had their sentences redefined, no longer preforming hard labour as part of their sentence but instead where merely confined to the nation itself, free to work as they saw fit within the nation. The company not only offering wages for the work they had previously done uncompensated but providing housing and limited medical services. While the wages were low and the housing of poor quality, the comparable luxury afforded them by the company compared to the hard lives lived under His Majesties Prison Service led to a period of mostly peaceful profit for the dolfik crown.
Initially The duty for defending the holding fell to the normal authorities for such work, but as the working population of the holding grew under the company and townships expanded in size, hostilities with native populations grew. On multiple occasions open warfare was narrowly avoided however skirmishes and raids quickly became concerning, with the established network of mounted colonial police being unable to guarantee the safety of the citizenry let alone the mining interests the authority to raise a Militia was afforded to the company, raised mostly of Verkim transportees with an officer corp of ex-dolfik army and old Verkim Rebels, a militia was raised for each major settlement, with Conscription being uncommon but necessary in certain locations, namely Estvel where the population simply was not big enough to raise a volunteer force of company strength.
While Company Rule was a highly profitable endeavour it quickly became clear that, while highly profitable for the Company, its continued costs, paying an ever increasing number of workers requiring and ever increasing amount of infrastructure, an ever increasing number of ships used to transport goods to and from in addition to the ships required for defence, all being paid for by dolfik state coffers quickly became an ever mounting list of expenses that while still easily covered by the profit the land afforded, would if left unchecked run wild.
===Direct Rule (1752-1893)===
===Direct Rule (1752-1893)===
