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The Iconian Empire's History has developed independently on the Serthenian mainland and other continental states and nations. This isolation has caused the main differences between the individual countries and led to the clash of the cultures during the great plague and the first connection between the geographically remote areas.

General acknowledgements

This article has converted the original titles into Mediaeval international titles for simplicity. For more information on their original name, please contact the Director of the Institute of Heraldry or Tribunus Angusticlavius of the Imperial Household Agency. The Island of Aquilia is the largest island of the Iconian Archipelago.

The Prehistoric Times

Creation of Tribal Societies

c. 4000 BC

The Iconian archipelago was initially part of a more significant continental landmass for billions of years until its shift to the present isolated location. During several previous ice ages, a passage connecting the continent and the islands existed, allowing for the first humans' arrival. This era is deeply undiscovered, and only recent historical excavations have revealed records of human remnants. The passage disappeared at the end of the same ice age, with the melting of ice and rising sea levels on the planet driving the prehistoric societies further into the mainland.

Humans and animals developed independently of the continental population centres and created unique animal species and distinctive Iconian features. The island's flat appearance and temperate environment allowed the inhabitants to gather and hunt as the primary food source and quickly increase numbers through the archipelago during the next thousands of years.

Experts estimate that the ice ages eradicated at least 70% of the species with catastrophic effects on the locals. The passage enabled them to cross the sea repeatedly while trying to escape the cold and find warmer lands on the nearby islands. It took at least until 6000 BC to propagate into Pansa and Alora islands in the east.

The tribespeople formed the first matriarchal families, creating elemental tribes through conquest and uniting families. The first communities were hunter-gatherer nomads travelling around the islands without forming any permanent housing. Some of the more creative and innovative tribes started to graze cattle and bring it with themselves on the travel. Soon, the nomads developed the first techniques and processes to support and domesticate wild animals on their travels.

Discovered food variety enabled society to grow, demanding even more resources. The cattle carried with the caravan soon grew more prominent and became impossible to handle. The tribes started to settle and claim territories. After centuries of advancement, the wild plants were being utilised and domesticated for farmlands, while the nomadic societies became effectively extinct. The growth of the tribes was prompted primarily by the expansionist tendencies of the nomads. The new society developed basic construction techniques, utilising dense Iconian forests and Hole & Bowl houses.

Approximately a thousand years later, excavations discovered on many sites in Iconia that most tribes produced ceramics or terracotta from local mud and clay. Many began manufacturing stone or bone tools for various uses, including woodcutting, farming, and warfare. Site in Alcmena discovered products of other tribes indicating first trade commenced between neighbouring tribes, spurring and benefiting their development and growth. Shortly afterwards, the tribe members might have created the first forms of government following the creation of non-sustainment jobs that exceeded the people needed for the tribal vital sustainment.

Ancient times

Formation of City-States.

c. 4000 - 1726 BC

The Kolonian archaeologist group discovered the first sculpted plate recording stores information in 1868. The same team identified the first discovered City-state from 3972 BC near the artefact excavation site in Alania. After the Great War, the archaeologists resumed their work and discovered more city-states near the great iconian rivers. During this stage, the civilisation was still matriarchal, originating from women's importance in state bureaucratic apparatus in the previous centuries.

During the next 2000 years, the city-states developed a class system and centralised work planning. Classes differed essentially by profession. The lowest citizens were the enslaved, followed by an intermediate agricultural, construction, and workshop artisans class. Clerks, officials, priests, and soldiers formed the upper caste, whereas military commanders, priests, and matriarchs rose to the highest status. In the upcoming centuries, the matriarch ruler husbands have influenced the class system to strengthen their positions as the Supreme Commanders enacted by law. The legacy of female rulers remains in Agnatic-cognatic primogeniture laws to this day. The flexible class system evaluated citizens mainly on their skill, learning, and occupation, resulting in merit-based transfer between classes.

The city-state of Alania was the first to develop and adopt a class system. Neighbouring cities followed in the adoption and spread of similar functioning systems. Alanian culture spread through influential trade routes and connections to adjacent allies and adversaries in the low-lying southeastern part of the Aquilian island.

In a few generations, the ruling sovereign and her family established the basis for a new nobility class within the system. The ruler promoted the highest officials and military officers to this class remain in their favour. Now supreme commander by law, the sovereign husband has also achieved recognition as a master of the coin in peace times.

Day-to-day administration of the city's labour force occupied the upper-class officials. The construction overseers, warehouse managers, emissaries and clerks maintained the flow in the city. The lower half of the upper class consisting of soldiers worked as law enforcement and labour workers in peacetime. The commanders legally owned the soldiers and maintained high discipline within the army with harsh methods. The rulers also employed various scouts and spies to gather intelligence on their rivals and court. Citizens, including farmers, manufacturers, producers of goods, miners, and other labourers, supplied the city with resources, goods, minerals and ores. Citizens usually handled primary processes, but the officials oversaw the organisation. Illiterate commoners could not strive for upper-class positions sanctioned by primary literacy requirements.

At approximately 2251 BC, spoken law was formalised, establishing classes and rules officially. The new lawbook supported upper-class privileges and possessions and set cornerstones for the new judicial system.

The first documented military coup happened in 1726 BC in Alania when the military established a new government consisting mainly of the nobility while stripping the upper-class officials of privileges into ordinary clerks of the intermediate class. The new government has shifted sovereign matriarchs towards religious and advisory duties. This radical power shift caused the state to shatter on its grounds, and the females rebelled. The crisis threw the city into open civil war, and as a result, many factions have formed several different governments in the following years. The military prevailed in a position of power in the end. However, both females and males were now entitled to hold any position.

The Age of Alania

Silver Age of Iconia

1700 - 1078 BC

First Alanian War

Alania, Messalia ⚔️ Iubia > Iubia vassalized by Alania.

After the civil war concluded, the new militaristic government directed the city to become influential local power. Nearby holdings and villages were claimed diplomatically or taken by force. Several villages along the Pardus river were focused, ensuring their growth. Barons overseeing those towns expanded their influence and became autocratic rulers of those to-be cities, yet they could not match the well-established City of Alania. The First Countess of Alania became famous for her irrigation canals and regulation reforms, in which she crowned herself as Countess.

Iconian Archipelago in 1638 BC

During her reign, the Iubian city-state in the West tried expanding into the Alanian holdings. Alania encouraged neighbouring eastern Messalian city-states to retaliate. In 1644 BC, the Iubian cities entered the Alanian realm for the third time. The walls of the City of Olympia had stopped their raid, and both Alania and Messalia prepared to set out a campaign against the Iubian cities in 1638 BC. After initial successes in the north, the Alanian army was routed at the siege of Ordavia by an Iubian surprise attack. Both hosts withdrew into Alanian territory, halting the campaign for the winter. During the subsequent battle, the Iubians slew the first Countess. The Messalian leader then assaulted and defeated the Iubian army in 1637 BC. Enslaved Iubian soldiers became the war's reparations.

The second Count of Alania surrounded himself with his manipulative supporters and family. The state prospered as the ruler legislated new laws and reforms, granting other Alanian cities to his family. When the Count came of age, he desired to continue his mothers legacy and prepared a new campaign against the Iubian cities. After an heir was born, the ruler put his plans into action. The southeastern Iubian towns were already his vassals since the war, but Iubia still had the strength to periodically raid the border regions of Alania. Surprisingly, the Count dominated the battlefields diplomatically, resolving several sieges without spilling blood in the sight of a menacing army. Iubian power has fallen.

Alanian civil war

The army's return to Alania marked the beginning of a new age of prosperity of the realm. After return, the Count summoned the Baron council with the pretence to plan the realm development. Guards slew all barons upon their entrance to the board, and the triumphant Alanian army starved cities that disagreed with this decision.

After consolidation of power, the Count focused on developing his county. The creation of new titles of Baronets strived to achieve a more efficient hierarchy within the realm while keeping the Barons occupied with managing their vassals.

Second Alanian War

Alania ⚔️ Messalia, Iubia, Verulia > Iubia and Verulia independent, Alania incorporated into Verulia.

With the whole western tip of Aquilian island at his disposal, the Alanian Count was preparing another campaign towards the eastern neighbours when an open rebellion arose in the Baronies of Verulia and Iubia. Messalia openly supported their Revolution, attempting to decrease Alania's threat by sending in their army.

The war resulted in the crushing defeat of the Alanian force at the Siege of Verulia. The Verulian-Iubian defenders' sally pincered the Alanian army from behind when the Messalians arrived. The newly established County of Iubia and County of Verulia recovered from war attrition in the following years. New counties lived in relative agreement and prosperity until 1078 BC, when the County of Synisteria attacked Messalia and brought all countries into a First Aquilian War.

The First Aquilian War

The rise of the Duchies

1078 – 998 BC

The first conflict enveloping the Aquilian island started in 1078 BC. The primary combatants were the County of Verulia, County of Iubia and the City-State of Messalia facing the Counties of Synisteria, Laenea, and Arvinia.

First Synisterian War

Verulia, Iubia, Messalia ⚔️ Arvinia, Laenea, Synisteria

Iconian Archipelago in 1078 BC

During the war's opening years, the Verulian and Iubian counties gathered forces while Synisterians from the north plundered more and more Messalian cities. When Synisterians nearly defeated Messalia by destroying its countryside and food production, they besieged the city of Messalia itself. Seeing this as a critical point in the war, the Verulians and Iubians arrived and engaged the encirclement around the city, harassing their supplies and raiding the Synisterian camps. Synisterians broke the siege after the relief armies harassed them for over two months and formed a battle formation. The two forces clashed, and although the numerical superiority of the Synisterians, the professional core descended from the former Alanian army was a formidable force to confront.

Moreover, the Messalian garrison assisted the relief force by assaulting the Synisterian rear. Synisterian army was composed of a Synisterian core, Arvinian left-wing and Laenean reserve. The Verulian left wing started deteriorating while the Messalian garrison entered the battle by charging the Laeneans. The battle-hardened garrison took the reserve by surprise and advanced steadily. The Verulian army struggled. Its reserves were committed to the left-wing, but the right-wing started scattering as well. Finally, the Laeneans started routing, leaving a free path directly to the Synisterian rear. The breakthrough decided the battle's outcome as the alliance encircled the enemy core from both sides. Synisterians and Arvinian remnants routed after seeing the reserves are gone, and the core encircled, dispersing to all sides.

In the aftermath, the Verulian army recaptured Messalian cities and installed a loyal Messalian government by designating a new Baron from their claimants. The scattered Synisterian army partially reformed en route towards Laenea. The Verulians and Messalians set off to chase the enemies one week after securing the cities while leaving Iubian soldiers to repair and strengthen the damaged cities. The advance was sluggish, and stores in the country ran low after multiple armies marched through. Synisterians, Laeneans, and Arvinians managed to escape behind the known lands. The Verulians lost all motivation after being on hostile soil with a shortage of supplies. Their army commanders decided to build wooden stakes at their current position to establish a formal border. Furthermore, the army built a garrisoned watchtower on an elevated plateau to oversee the southern coast and inform them of any incoming invasion force. The army's morale dwindled, and the armies returned to their homelands.

In several years, an account of another army coming from the East arrived. Iubian and Verulian commanders pressed citizens into service and marched West, finding the watchtower overrun and reinforced with a wooden fortification attached to it. Both armies beset the fort with the hope of prompt victory by heroic assault. The assault ended disastrously, beginning the intention to starve the fort. The inside army sallied forth during the construction of the siege engines, breaking through the spread-out troops towards the east. A Laenean ambush stopped the pursuit, causing crushing defeat for the Verulian-Iubian force. Messalian cities were besieged afterwards in a campaign lasting 13 years, during which the Synisterian army suffered heavy causalities achieved by the defenders' determination during every lengthy siege.

Arcadian Rise to Power

The death of the childless Count of Verulia caused civil strife for power, ultimately leading to the Arcadian Baron's rise to the throne. The Baron ultimately won the throne in a decisive battle with his foe ending the short civil war in the upcoming year.  

Second Synisterian War

Arcadia, Iubia, Messalia ⚔️ Arvinia, Laenea, Synisteria

Among his first actions following the civil war, he raised a new army and marched against Synisterians. Synisterians routed Arcadian Baron while exhausting and decimating themselves in the confrontation. The defeated Arcadian Count returned to his country as the loser. However, it became a victory in the years to come, for the Synisterians cancelled their campaign and broke the siege of Alania.

Both sides of the conflict had time to rebuild themselves after defeats. Synisterians made new arrangements for a new campaign starting in 1050 BC. They used their occupied Messalian cities as staging bases in the next expansion campaign against Arcadia and Iubia. The Alanian city fell in 1048 BC after another siege, which effectively eliminated any future assistance from Alanians through the war. Arcadians and Iubians responded quickly in force, and while passing the central forested areas, acquired siege ladders and resources to reclaim what was theirs.

After a forced march towards Alypia, the Synisterian army still looted the city when the army arrived. They were caught by surprise and trapped in the starved city, offering little resistance. The period resources say that the assault on the city used the same siege engines the Synisterian army previously used for storming the walls. The assault was prompt. Soldiers had orders not to exit the city walls. Archers then showered surprised Synisterian soldiers with arrows from above, taking heavy casualties and reorganising within the city centre to force their way out of the city. After breaching one of the city gates, the Synisterian army left the sacked city behind.

For the first time in the 2nd Synisterian War, Iubian and Arcadian forces had Synisterians, Laeneans, and Arvinians on full retreat. The pursuit ended up in Laenean capital city, where they stood their ground. Laenean capital city was finally besieged, which raised the Arcadian morale. The Iubian army continued east and besieged another major city in the region. With the defeat of the Synisterian and Laenean army inside the city, the Second Synisterian War has ended, and the armies returned to Arcadia.

Third Synisterian War

Arcadia ⚔️ Arvinia, Piscara, Laenea, Synisteria > Synisterian Caecina besieged.

Following the end of the war, the remaining Laenean cities were determined to take their capital back, but help from their allies had not arrived. The more distant county of Piscara answered the call in return for joining their defensive pact. Arcadian ruler utilised this short period of peace and the weakened state of his allies to reorganise his realm into a Duchy by integrating the County of Messalia and Iubia as his subjects while crowning himself as the Duke.

Laenean-Piscaran invasion force was well supplied and departed in 1045 BC after the combined army reclaimed lost Laenean cities. The conquest has begun with a march against Messalia, similarly to previous campaigns. The army avoided coastal cities because it intended to subjugate the country instead of looting and damaging it. Messalia, exposed to many previous sieges, had developed sophisticated fortifications able to withstand large scale assaults. Nonetheless, the determination of the attackers was more potent than the walls of the city in the result. Upon hearing the news, the Duke of Arcadia mobilised the country and created a vast host while depleting the Duchy of its resources and population.

On encountering this force, the Arvinian army disengaged and hastened east to find a better battleground for an ambush of their superior enemy. Arvinian army unsuccessfully ambushed the Arcadian force in the northern Cethegan hills and was slaughtered. The arcadian host then unexpectedly turned north through Lorenzo's mountain pass and marched into Synisteria to besiege their capital city Caecina. Arcadians besieged the city and its port in 1040 BC. Arcadians defeated the Synisterian army sent to relieve the city at Balduinus fields in 1038 BC. The city itself has fallen in 1033 BC, the same year the Iconian army has entered the scene. Now that there was no mighty army, the citizens of Messalia rebelled against the small enemy garrison and banished them from their city.

First Iconian War

Arcadia ⚔️ Iconia > Non-agression pact

Iconian County has been watching the Eastern conflicts for a decade before intervening. Their past focus was on their eastern defensive conflicts, which hardened their army. Iconians marched west to relieve Synisterians and catch Arcadian forces unprepared for another battle. Iconians quickly overwhelmed the Duke of Arcadia in the aftermath of the clash. Arcadia proposed a ceasefire in 1031 BC with no recorded response.

The Iconian army continued harassing and capturing Arcadian cities until it stopped during the assault of Alypia. Iubian army camped near the city, waiting for Iconians. The weaker Iubian force agreed to negotiate. The war ended with a ceasefire, and the Iconian army could pass freely through the Arcadian territory to Synisteria under the condition of leaving all loot and captives there. The Arcadian Duke was released from captivity and disbanded the Arcadian army in 1026 BC, three months after negotiating a non-aggression pact.

Fourth Synisterian War

Synisteria, Montis ⚔️ Iconia > Iconian Duchy

The western tip of Aquilia has been devastated by decades of warfare, and in the years to come, all local countries have been trying to achieve higher goals with diplomacy rather than a sword. On the withdrawal to Iconia, the passing army has forced the recovering County of Synisteria to become part of their realm. Synisterians were in no position to decline after being saved by the Iconians. Nonetheless, they declined, and Iconians besieged the heavily damaged city in 1032 BC. The city's citizens forced his ruler to accept the conditions by threatening him with a revolt, quickly ending the dispute.

The County of Montis had negotiated a defensive pact with Iconia when its army passed their lands. Iubia and Alypia have strengthened their ties while Arcadia focused on replenishing its resources after the prolonged war. Upon reaching sufficient strength, they pressed formal requests for their independence which Arcadian Duke accepted. Arcadians always treated their citizens as second class, and hence their counties were less depleted than Arcadia, who took most pressure from the Iconian invasion.


The First Iconian war had ended inconclusively, but the balance of powers has shifted massively throughout the First Aquilian War. Verulia has lost its independence from the hands of its formal vassal, Arcadia. All counties suffered heavy war attrition. Iubia and Alypia, on the other hand, have regained their independence. Predominant Synisteria and its allies have been vassalized by a new contestant in the region, the Iconian Duchy.

The First reformation

The shift to despots.

998 – 650 BC

Iconian Archipelago after its First reformation in 650 BC

The First Aquilian War conflicts had exhausted local civilisation to the ground and opened doors for the first era of relative peace on the islands, during which most of the nations have undergone significant organisational and technological reforms. Three powerful spheres of influence could describe Aquilia of the time. Limited trade exchange commenced between them; however, internal trade inside their realms flourished. The Arcadian sphere had undergone tremendous constructional and organisational changes, which resulted in a better economic situation than before the war. The now-independent Iubian and Alypian counties remained friendly and allowed Arcadia to focus on itself. The Iconian sphere has strengthened its ties with Synisteria and expanded into the county of Montis while undergoing structural reforms. The sphere of independent nations located in the southeast parts of Aquilia has undergone great diplomatic efforts between themselves, forming the third block.

The isolation of the Island of Viridia in the East delayed local societal progression. Local states have not seen any significant conflicts as internal conflicts were predominant in their governments. Neither of them gathered enough power to threaten the others, keeping themselves in check. Their main cities were the Apellia and Hegia in the north and Draconia and Hybridia in the south. The island of Thessolakia had been still tribal during this era and has been too far out of ship reach.

Iconian First reformation started during Count Aurelius Rector's reign, reforming his realm into a Duchy inspired by Arcadia. The new Count titles were created for his subjects, resulting in even more significant reforms that followed in the next decade focused on enhancing the realm's laws and hierarchical organisation, allowing for the distribution of power to the lower echelons. Synisteria had become the most important county of the Iconian realm and had been assigned a unique margraviate title for its achievements and aid in the wars with the eastern powers.

In response to these reforms, southwestern Alypia has declared itself a duchy, and most City-States and counties followed. All those states had remained with nearly autocratic despots, whereas Iconian reforms supported by the lower classes had changed the organisation by the Senate's formation. The Senate roles have been primarily advisory or to make the commoners happy. Nonetheless, its members, aristocrats by a majority, have gained more influence over the years and shifted the Senate to a lawmaking organisation effectively controlling the state. All counties and baronies of the realm had at least one seat ensured, usually choosing the ruler's family member because rulers had to attend to their realm councils. The Iconian Duke has not been legally obliged to submit or answer to the Senate.

These reforms strengthened the authority of the lower nobles through the Senate. The second batch of reforms centred on creating new legal processes and tribunals, which sought to replace the almost illiterate "nobles" with competent judges. The second part focused on creating official apparatuses inspecting certain parts of the realm. Senate has affirmed these laws between 654 and 650 BC.

Finally, the war has led to the development of lucrative naval technologies, profoundly surpassing cattle transportation both in speed and capacity. The outbreak of another conflict stopped the era of Aquilian prosperity in 454 BC.

The Second Aquilian War

The wars of legacies.

454 – 401 BC

Alypian Rise to Power

Alypia ⚔️ Arcadia

The second Aquilian war started when Alypia-sponsored coups successfully overthrew rulers of several Arcadian provinces. Alypia and Iubia simultaneously declared war on Arcadia, too disorganised for any meaningful resistance. After a few battles, it was clear the situation was dire, and Arcadia itself was under siege. Iubians assaulted the city while Alypians stayed behind and won after nearly all the defenders slain nearly all Iubians.

First Alypian War

Alypia ⚔️ Iconia

The newly unified Duchy of Alypia and Arcadia had declared war on Iconia immediately after mopping the resistance in Arcadia and Iubia and gathering the required resources for the invasion. Iconia responded swiftly in 448 BC by ambushing and crushing the Alypian army en route to Synisteria. The Iconian host spent winter in the capital city of Margraviate of Synisteria, Caecina. After the winter, the army looted Verulia and continued with an assault on the Verulian capital during 447 BC. The occupied county has provided the army with supplies for the march towards Messenia, where the prepared coalition army awaited them in two separate groups.

The coalition army initiated the Battle near Messenia by the pincer movement. The Iconian army countered the initiative and committed its reserves against the smaller half of the coalition army. The Synisterian elite core held ground against the more numerous enemies. Following the creation of gaps in Iconian formation, Coalition troops hurled in and flanked the enemy with substantial impact. Coalition army was advancing and pushed the Iconian lines heavily back, but the smaller force was depleted and at the edge of routing. Iconians and Synisterians started gaining land again. Finally, the last desperate assault by the Duke of Alypia himself was led deep into enemy lines which split the Iconian force in the middle and gained precious time for the Coalition forces to withdraw. Iconians celebrating the victory and looting the next days received a message that Varia invaded Arcia in the east. Iconians proposed an unconditional surrender to Alypia, which gratefully accepted, but nearly no repercussions affected them. Iconian army now marched to Arcia, whom Iconians were obliged to defend.

First Viridian War and First Piscaran War

Apellia, Hegia ⚔️ Draconia, Hybridia

Piscara ⚔️Arvinia, Laenea

The First Viridian War started in 454 BC to dominate their island during this period. The southern theatre was overwhelmed by a conflict between the County of Piscara, who invaded his neighbours Laenea and Arvinia. The Alypian Regent, whom Iconia installed, focused on establishing himself as a rightful ruler among his new subjects in the meantime.

The southern part of the island was infighting on their terms, with Arvinia winning. The struggle continued until Alypia from the West entered the war. Alypia has quickly recovered from its civil disorder and Iconian defeat under a new ruler. Its new ruler focused its diplomacy toward his old ally of Iubia, and the two nations decided to confederate into the Alypian Confederation in 440 BC. Confederation has attacked and subdued the county of Laenea and soon after Arvinia. Piscara had no choice but to accept its claim on these counties as void.

Second Iconian War

Iconia, Arcia ⚔️Varia

Iconia ⚔️Arcia

The Iconian army departed towards the East, knowing that the Alypian civil war would rage on. While passing Synisteria and Montis, citizens who heard about their heroic victories and had nothing to lose replenished the army ranks. Upon arrival to the front lines in 445 BC, iconians immediately evaluated the messenger's information and marched against the Varian army in Arcia. The battle-hardened Iconians have successfully engaged the Varians and forced their retreat.

In the Battle of Tiberia, Varian reinforcements have defeated the Iconians in Pyrrhic victory, although they have depleted themselves and have not fielded another army until 443 BC. Arcian army took the initiative and retrieved their lost regions before new Iconian levies arrived. In the next five years, most Varian cities fell into Arcian hands. Their capital anticipated this and prepared thorough defences, which deterred Arcians who waited for Iconian reinforcements. Varians caused Arcians a heavy blow before finally submitting.

After this definitive victory, Iconians proposed that Arcians join Iconia. Arcians denied this request when both armies marched north towards Arcia. The two camping armies collided together in massive chaos inside their encampment. The situation in the camp calmed after a day, with enormous losses on both sides. Iconia entered a crisis in 438 BC after the death of its many childless nobles in the army.

Second Alypian War and Aquilian Civil War

Alypia ⚔️ Iconia

Alypia ⚔️ Arvinia, Laenea > Arvinia, Laenea, Piscara

Alypian confederation turned its armies against Synisteria again after the quick victory in Piscaran War. Their campaign proceeded optimally by annexing the Montis and parts of Synisteria with low resistance before Iconians had arrived victorious from the Arcian war. Alypians defeated the exhausted Iconian army but shortly afterwards, Laenea and Arvinia in the south rebelled and declared independence on Alypia in 435 BC. The confederate army immediately returned to contain the uprisings and left Iconia in a hurry.

Iconia collapsed shortly afterwards and reverted into several counties infighting over the claim on the Iconian throne. The Count of Aquilia, one of the largest cities in former Iconia, waited until his adversaries depleted their resources and ended the war swiftly by defeating their armies in 432 BC.

Renewed Iconia has started rebuilding as the new Duke was campaigning to defeat remaining separatist factions, which prolonged the civil war until 429 BC. The southern war took an unexpected turn after former adversaries of Piscara, Laenea and Arvinia allied to oppose the Alypian Confederation. The theatre's warfare has transformed into guerilla raids and harassment after the defenders lost the power to oppose Alypia in direct combat. Alypian army had such losses to their supply chain that they had to return to Alypia and fight them in attrition war. Iconia offered resources to the defenders as a response, and the economic war lasted until 420 BC, when both Iconia and Alypia prepared for the new campaigns.

Iconia has successfully rebuilt its stockpiles, city defences and damaged countryside. In the years of economic war, its new armies trained for the final campaign, which never commenced as the Alypian government had collapsed due to intrigues and assassinations that followed after their ruler's death.

Iubian Rise to Power

Alypian Civil War > Iubia took the throne

Iubia ⚔️ Aquilia > Montis annexed

Iubian confederates who were watching the situation in Alypia could not afford their ally to exhaust themselves and took the situation into their own hands by conquering destabilised Alypia themselves, forming Iubian Duchy in 401 BC. As the last act of the Second Aquilian War, the Iubian army marched into Montis and annexed it while Iconia was still rebuilding and wanted to avert avoidable conflict over the inhospitable county.


The Second Aquilian War and First Viridian War has managed to unify many countries on the Aquilian and Viridian islands. The rise and fall of Arcian and Varian duchies and the Piscaran War in the south have weakened these nations to be annexed and assimilated into the Iconian/Aquilian and Alypian/Iubian Duchies. Viridian Wars ended inconclusively as all four main combatants exchanged lands. Although the wars have exhausted most combatants, the technological and tactical advancements have projected themselves into the duchies abilities. This war has shown new possibilities, such as fielding several armies or perfecting processes and technologies of the supply chain. The economic capacity of all countries has decreased from the levels before the war. On the other hand, the economic capacity increased even during the war due to the military and agricultural sectors needed for feeding and arming the armies.

The Second Reformation

Iconian Archipelago in 258 BC

The Rise of Kingdoms.

258 – 24 BC

The Second Aquilian War has ended in inconclusive equilibrium resulting in large-scale reforms and reorganisations. The number of annexed counties and duchies of a singular ruler has become unmanageable, forcing the promotion of new dukes and the creation of a new tier of royal titles. The first King of Iubia transformed his new Kingdom right after the war, ending the Confederation of Iubia and Alypia. The Aquilian Kingdom was created from Duchies of Arcia, Iconia, Varia and Margraviate of Synisteria, whereas Iubia contained Alypia, Arvenia, Iubia and Counties of Laenea and Montis. Loyalty has determined the primary motivation behind the new redistribution of Ducal titles. Both Kingdoms remained in neutral condition and even opened diplomatic channels between themselves. The internal struggle between the kingdoms' dukes was common but has not caused significant difficulties. Trade flourished once again, and both Kingdoms agreed to draw new borders between themselves in 216 BC.

Fourth Viridian War

Varia ⚔️ Adventia, Hegia

Apelia, Hybridia ⚔️ Adventia, Hegia

On the other hand, the island of Viridia was deteriorating in the aftermath of the past century of conflicts. The Aquilian and the Iubian Kingdom agreed to intervene. The Aquilians assigned the Duke of Varia to claim the island in his name. The Ducal army was more than adequate compared to all Viridian armies and, at the same time, small enough for the first large-scale naval transport in aquilian history from Gellasia.

The army scavenged the countryside after landing in Hegia and besieged its capital city. Hegian allies were awed in shock after a new foe came from the sea. Their armies were redirected to aid the capital, where they routed the attackers. Hegian armies tied to the Varian army has opened their countries for Apelians and Hybridians to plunder. The Varian Duke offered the Apelians to join him, but Apelians refused. With Hegians overrun, he decided to withdraw. Hybridians and Appelians battled the weakened Adventians while the Ducal Varian army captured their capital cities in the south. The intervention ended the Fourth Viridian War and forcibly united the island in 52 BC.


While the governmental structure and feudal organisation have been undergoing reforms, the Aquilian economy could sustain a reformed professional military while keeping the levy armies for emergencies. The new professional legionaries were very organised and evolved into a noticeable force in the following centuries. Historians found the first documented military 'manuals' describing some aspects of military life. The citizens of Aquilia has lost their serf peasant status and become free citizens of the Kingdom with their privileges and duties. Although citizens could now control their career, growth and other aspects, the slave class remained very prominent in usage. The citizens rejoiced the legislation's changes, and the first recorded orgies happened during this celebration time. Records show that a broad part of the population allowed even their slaves to celebrate with them.

The Third Aquilian War

And the Great Plague.

24 BC – 212 MT

Third Iconian War

Iconian Archipelago in 22 BC
Iconian Archipelago in 18 BC
Iconian Archipelago in 15 BC
Iconian Archipelago in 10 BC

Aquilia, Iconia, Licinia ⚔️ Aquilia, Arvinia

Apelia, Hybridia ⚔️ Adventia, Hegia

The long-lasting peace had come to an end when the Duke of Arvinia pressed his claim on the County of Licinia located within the Iconian Duchy. The conquests of historical wars have given him the claim on this territory and would succeed had not the Aquilian King intervened. Iubians used this weakness to declare war for their claims in the Synisteria.

The utilisation of the naval fleet in the Fourth Viridian War has shown great potential. The Aquilians have split their armed forces into three hosts, first permanently stationed on Synisterian borders, the second reacting to the Arvinian invaders in the mountains and third embarking on a naval fleet heading towards Lucia, the capital city of the Iubian Kingdom located in Alypian County.

Western Front

The amphibious assault ended in successful disembarkment in the Lucian port, although the fleet had lost numerous ships crashing into the shores in stormy weather. Lucia was well guarded against land assault with its enormous defensive walls. Nonetheless, Lucian garrison stood no chance against a vast enemy host who bypassed the walls and quickly surrendered the city. Alypian vassals who spotted the fleet rushed towards their capital city but could not match the speed of sailing ships. Upon their arrival, the city was already waving the Aquilian flag.

Iubian King was on his campaign inside Synisteria when the news of his falling capital had reached him. Meanwhile, the Iubian vassals were determined to take their capital back and besieged the city with their remaining retinues and levies. Iubian King, who had the majority of Iubian forces at his disposal, decided to counter this move by assaulting the capital of Aquilia. The aquilian army in Synisteria has been overwhelmed with the enemy forces and had to retreat until its final defeat near Caecina.

The Aquilian army used the captured well-supplied city and prepared it for their future defence. The Iubians quickly realised they would never starve a city supplied by ships along the coast. Shortly after this realisation, the first documented naval skirmishes were recorded when the Iubians tried to harass the passing convoys. The siege continued for another four years.

Southern Front

The southern army swiftly cleansed the Licinian county of enemies and secured the enemies war goal. The army then marched through the central forested regions towards Arvinia. The independent County of Piscara joined forces with the Aquilians and sieged down the arvinian capital. In the following siege, the assault of the Laenean capital failed disastrously after the Piscarans refused to help. When the battle was lost, Piscarans launched their assault and captured the city with its region. The first duke of Piscara consolidated his new realm in the following years. Before his death in 3 MT, plans of a daring campaign against the Messalian county in Iubia had been laid but never used.  

Western front

Supplies of the army in Lucia were getting thinner, and the general decided to embark onto their fleet and withdraw to their homeland. On their departure, the city was lit on fire. The success of this manoeuvre has persuaded Aquilian King Fermeus Tertullian I to establish a permanent Northern fleet with plans to create also one Southern fleet. The Iubians reclaimed the burned City of Lucia and started with preliminary repairs to keep the starved population alive.

The Lucians gathered an army in the following years and embarked on it. The Aquilian Northern fleet intercepted the numerically superior Iubian fleet in their waters and, against the odds, defeated it while capturing part of their ships. Knowing local currents and sea terrain helped win the battle and preserve losing Aquilia.

Meanwhile, the Iubian army in Synisteria was on a triumphant march towards the capital of Aquilia after years of sieges of other County capitals when the Aquilian force returned from Lucia and successfully ambushed it. The Iubian King called for a retreat, and the Aquilian army chased him to the borders.

Besides, Iubians had to fend off another invasion from the Duchy of Piscara, and their resources were spreading thin. The remaining Iubian forces besieged the coastal city of Aquilia for five years before the siege was broken due to a disease outbreak in the army camps. Aquilians used the same tactics and supplied the city using captured Iubian ships unopposed during the siege. The city's population was infected, and the disease spread into the whole region soon thereafter.

After the siege was broken, the surviving Aquilian forces gathered near the Caecina in Synisteria and prepared for their desperate try to finish the Iubian Kingdom. The advances on the southern front by Piscaran Duchy has been reverted to their original state and kept the Iubians occupied. The whole strength of the Aquilian army has been directed straight towards the remaining Ducal capitals, which they sieged one after another. When the Iubian army arrived from the south, it could not change the outcome and surrendered after one battle. The Kingdom of Iubia has fallen.

The Aquilian kingdom immediately began with rebuilding the desolated Kingdom of Iubia with the main focus on the city of Lucia. A decade later, the city was raised from ashes and composed primarily of stone/brick architecture, preventing another disastrous fire. The Lucian Baron was intricating with his neighbours during this whole era resulting in the rebellion of 164. Their main goal was avenging the sacking of Lucia and restoring their Kingdom. Motivated by their fervour, they have defeated the Aquilian vanguard army sent to assess the situation. A gap in documentation followed this period, and there was no factual evidence until almost five years later, at the battle near Olympia where the Lucian Kingdom fielded at least two formidable armies. Aquilians dispatched three legions from Aurelia and one from Caecina. The battle of Olympia resulted in an Aquilian defeat caused by a flanking and pincer manoeuvre. Although the numerical advantage of aquilians resulted in their adversaries' pyrrhic victory, the war has effectively ended. Aquilians disengaged in the war due to an uprising in the south, possibly inspired by Lucian one. Another reason for this was the spread of the Great plague, which originated on the newly contacted island of Thessolakia, merged with the plague outbreak at the siege of Aquilia.

The plague swept rapidly from the East to the West through the island chain and caused catastrophic damage to all aspects of society. After thousands died, the plague is believed to be eradicated between 181 - 187. After the end of this epidemic, all nations focused on rebuilding their society and renewal of production chains, functioning society and other aspects of their countries.

The plague depleted both sides of human resources, even two generations after the plague ended. Both sides operated with small armies compared to previous wars. The Kingdom of Lucia renewed its offensive against Messalia in 207. Aquilians responded by blockading their major ports, followed by a full-scale invasion by two legions. Aquilia further fielded another two legions to defend their land against potential capital invasions, similar to the last war.

Two legions marched to assault Messalia and Olympia and support simultaneous naval attacks along the coast. Arcadian forces ambushed the two legions near Olympia, stalling the Aquilian campaign. After the first successes, the naval invasion also struggled after a few amphibious assaults and huge marine losses. The generals have decided to return to Aquilia and inform the high command. After their return, the command had given them one additional legion. The tide of the war turned, and Lucians started losing cities along with their resources.

Both Kingdoms depleted their resources, and the war's end was still too distant. The last remaining soldiers gathered at the battle of Arcadia. The battle commanders were determined to win, but they agreed to decide the battle by the champions' duel outcome. The duel was long, but the Lucian champion won in the end. Aquilian commander then broke his word and rushed into the enemy. Aqulians fought bravely and brought an end to the war. For the first time in history, Aquilians stood unopposed on the Isle of Aquilia.

With the end of the war, Aquilians had to reform the state once more to incorporate the Kingdom of Lucia into it. Iconians parted the Kingdom and incorporated its duchies into the Aquilian Kingdom as if nothing had happened.


The Third Aquilian effectively disbanded the Kingdom of Iubia and the Kingdom of Lucia. During the wars, the Kingdom of Aquilia underwent many changes to its economy, society, and manufacturing capabilities, also caused by a widespread plague. Governmental organisations grew, and local, provincial governors had more authority over their lands. Military-wise, the Aquilian army has been fully standardised into Legions, and few of them were always kept raised for crisis scenarios. The plague decimated the island population at the cost of contacting Thessolakia, but the Aquilian Kingdom hasn't anyone equaling them in strength anymore.

The Golden Age of Iconia

The conquest of the Paradise

250 - 474

The Kingdom of Aquilia has occupied almost the entirety of the known world. Duchy of Viridia signed a secret pact with the Thessolakian duchies to oppose this. However, their rulers have changed over the years, bringing change into their foreign politics, and relations shifted slowly towards friendship with Aquilia. Finally, marriage brought the Viridian Duchy into the Aquilian Kingdom. Viridians regulated succession with an election. The majority of local nobles have chosen to join Aquilia by electing the son of the newly married couple, preventing another destructive war. Many of their sons opposed the decision after the death of their fathers; nonetheless, the majority won.

The population of Aquilia has been growing at an unprecedented rate during this long peaceful, and prosperous era, bar a few accounts of rebellions or revolts. Citizens built infrastructure, new roads or created even whole new cities. New manufacturers classes started to be prominent, fueling the wealthiest people in the Kingdom. This progress could be achieved by heavy mining and forestry focus, producing literal tons of logs, marble and other resources for the market. The nobles started studying the world and established new professions such as scientists. Although their work was more experimental than proper scientific methods, all these changes brought together steady development of the Kingdom advancements, pushed by the wealthiest nobles focusing on staying competitive.

The majority of naval vessels of the Kingdom were of coastal use. Only when the need emerged after the discovery of Thessolakia was the new sea-worthy ships using celestial navigation imagined, designed and constructed. Aquilia, Viridia and Thessolakia have been the only landmasses known to man. The curiosity of man prevailed, and scientists pointed out this fact. The large ships used for long-distance travel was not enough.

The most prestigious shipyards funded by the state have built an even larger class of ships intended for future expeditions towards the unknown. Ships of the era capable of ocean fairing relied on ample freeboard and beam to reduce rolling and keep the deck drier. Furthermore, the larger ships could store enough supplies for the expeditions. Due to the ship greater length, the ship also had reduced pitching motion and a flare keeping the bow from digging into the waves. However, even with these large designs, the travel was hazardous even in slightly worse sea state conditions. The first expedition of 256 was set to find out where the sun goes at night but found the archipelago of Pansa instead.

Further expeditions followed in 261, 266 and 324, each to a different cardinal direction. Some of those expeditions have never returned, and some have found nothing but a sea of impassable ice sheets. The expedition of 324 brought glorious news of a new world with the weirdest animals and plants they had ever seen. Afterwards, the government has cancelled further expeditions and focused resources on the northern expansion. The Day of Discovery has been celebrated in Iconia with festivals since then.

The second stage of expeditions started in 351. Twelve of thirty ships of the first expedition reached the northern lands in 352. Coastal villages have been built chiefly along the coasts. As further colonisers arrived during the next century, the villages slowly became small cities, and the civilisation sprawled inland. The lucrative seeds, plants, exotic food, animals or livestock have been gathered, and some sent back to Aquilia as luxuries. The discoveries and items inspired the technocratic and curious communities inside Aquilia like never before. Many people wanted to go to the New World themselves and explore the hostile lands. After the twelfth expedition, the government started to see the new world's risks and invoked isolationist policy banning new expeditions after recognising the New World threats.

The remaining settlers could contact the local governments but not tell them about the Iconian Archipelago. During the first encounters with locals, the settlers were welcomed with javelins or arrows and had to retreat quickly. Nonetheless, the settlers expanded further inland and pushed the local tribes northwards with time.

In 421, the King issued a directive banning further expansion north, preventing provocation of local tribes that might unite and benefit from the technological knowledge of Aquilians. Simultaneously, the colony gathered enough strength to launch their own expedition from Nusqua, how they called the New World, sailing east along the coast. The expedition intentionally missed all villages until they found a more important port. The chronicle of the expedition admiral notes the following:

In the first encounter, both ships sailed straight for the port. All locals stared at our outlandish ships at the port entrance because they most likely had never seen anything similar to it. The captain and first officer of the Linor prepared for docking at the largest pier, where they dropped the boarding gangway and walked down to the pier. The foreigners were slowly approaching with armed, bronze armoured guards at the front, followed by officials wearing colourful ornamented fabrics with bronze and glass necklaces. Behind them was walking a group of women with terracotta vases followed by a larger group of soldiers, and behind them, a curious crowd. When they stopped before the ship captain, they bowed, and the ship crew did the same. Captain then approached the delegation and followed them into the city with his ship doctor, serving as its principal scientific officer. Our ship, meanwhile, landed at the pier, ready for anything. Both sides tried to speak our native languages, but they were too different. The city officials presented the ship crew with exotic food and fresh water. After the refreshment, the locals started communicating by drawing pictures into the sand. The ship crew soon discovered that the often-repeated word of Bortitzura was the name of the port in the nation called Edusa. After a few days, the captain learned a few essential words and explained where they came from and their goal. The generous hosts refilled the ship storage with exotic food and sent two officials with them on a trip back to Nusqua. The sea became inconveniently stormy for the Edusands not used to being on the high seas. Both sides learned more of their languages during the trip, which enabled them to establish the first foreign trade between Nusquamian colonies and Edusa.

The goods brought back into Aquilia were rare and expensive, becoming very popular among the more affluent citizens for the prestige of owning them. Many Aquilian merchants started learning Edusan or Nusquamian for their travels there. A decade later, the trade routes along the Nusquan coast were well-established, increasing all coastal cities' prosperity and trade capacity. The route between Aquilia and Nusqua standardised through the Bay of Aurelia, alongside the Isle of Syllia north towards the Nusquamian coast.

This age's expansion and development caused unusual growth of the Kingdom and was later called the golden age.

The Decline and Rise of the Aquilian Kingdom

Iconian Archipelago in 518 during the Viridian alliance.
Iconian Archipelago in 520 during the breakup of the Aquilian Kingdom.

The Fourth Reformation and internal strive

474 – 1581

The Kingdom started declining during the reign of the King of Aquilia, Citrio Santori I. His reign was full of critical mistakes crowned by his final decision to split the Kingdom of Aquilia and Lucia between his rivalling sons. Both sons were gathering support and allies during the next fifty years before the outbreak of the war.

The Kingdom of Thessolakia, united through lengthy Thessolakian wars, appeared as a new player on the scene. While militant Thessolakia supported Lucia, Duchy of Viridia decided to support Aquilia. During this preparation, all sides invested heavily into their militaries. Boosted by the discoveries of the New World, military tactics have shifted, and both Lucians and Aquilians started using cavalry. While Lucians focused on spear-heavy cavalry, Aquilians experimented with light skirmishers and heavy chariots.

The situation got even direr with the majority of the state resources spent expecting the upcoming conflict, crippling the economic situation. All available ships were eventually assigned to logistical or military duties, cutting the beneficial trade with Nusqua and Edusa. The trade brought during this time a new item on the market to Aquilia. Germs caused widespread epidemics and massive population losses. The Kingdoms declared war on each other to use their time before the epidemy spread out of control. Only a single battle was fought when Lucian spear cavalry routed one of the Aquilian armies in 518. Afterwards, both sides have agreed to sign a ceasefire and plunged into crisis.

The scientific, engineering and technological knowledge was rapidly slipping away during the plague. In the aftermath, all Aquilian nations' focused on restoring the glory of the Golden Age and rebuilding their kingdoms, prolonging the ceasefire for another 20 years. The Duchy of Piscara isolated itself during this time to no avail, and after a devastating loss of life, subdued and collapsed. After restoring the Aquilian Kingdom, the claimants of the Piscaran family restored the Duchy and became vassals of Aquilian King.

The century-long ceasefire prepared both Kingdoms and their new rulers for the end of the truce in 617. Aquilians developed new spear infantry formations to counter the spear cavalry of Lucians, and the Lucians developed techniques of their own.

In the opening battle on the shores of the Sparax river, Aquilians deployed their army with their right flank secured by the river and their left flank filled with spear infantry to counter enemy cavalry. Lucian cavalry ended up as prey of the Aquilian archers and spears in the opening skirmish of the battle. Aquilian chariots then waited for the numerically superior Lucian army to cross the river before charging into their formations and routing them back to their camp south. The remnants of skeletons from drowned soldiers preserved in the muddy river floor had provided an intriguing insight into the military life of the era.

In naval theatre, the Kingdom of Thessolakia has prepared a large fleet and defeated the Aquilian-Viridian fleet on the northern shores of Aquilia. Thessolakia lost many men and ships in the clash and decided to withdraw from the war entirely for the time being. The Thessolakian Kingdom then focused on continuing its post-plague renewal.

The second battle of the war happened in the island's mountainous regions, where the use of cavalry was limited. The Aquilians used their chariots followed by skirmishers and punched holes through the enemy lines soon exploited by their infantry. With the Lucian core scattered, the chariots circled and showered their adversaries with arrows from behind. The Lucian general committed his reserves and broke the chariots, allowing the Lucians to renew the offensive with fresh reserve troops. Aquilians had lost this battle. Nonetheless, Lucian Heir has been shot by a stranded arrow and succumbed to his injuries after the battle.

Aquilians had been losing battle after battle from this point forwards until Aquilians defeated them at the fields of Alcmena. With the death of their heirless King, the Lucian hereditary law gave the Kingdom to the Aquilian King, unifying the Kingdoms once again in 620.

House Natalia

It took King Theodorus Santori I nearly his whole life to stabilise the Kingdoms into a hegemony again. Eventually, his nephew rebelled against him and acquired the throne as Albinus Natalus III in 684. The reign of the House Natalia lasted until 1011 and consisted of many internal conflicts between the vassal Duchies and Counties. New titles were created while some were destroyed. Dorippa Decius, the claimant to the throne, eventually crowned himself as new King and marched onto the capital city of Aquilia, where he sieged and defeated senile King Panegyris Natalus I.

House Decia

During the reign of House Decia, the power Monarchs decreased in favour of the Royal council, a governmental body advisory to the King. The council became a cabinet with executive powers. One of its decisions was establishing a prestigious Prince-Elector's title, voting for the successor to the throne. The Senate and other democratic apparatuses were dissolved soon afterwards, leading to a citizen rebellion heavily crushed in its beginning. The Prince-Elector titles were given to the Dukes of Synisteria, Arcadia, Baron of the capital city, and several lower officials, the majority of whom were already on the council. In the following years, Synisteria and Arcadia became Grand Duchies, marking their significance in electing the King, changing the Prince-Elector title to Grand Ducal one. The council elected a new Autocratic King after the suspicious death of King Lyco Decius II, marking the end of the reign of House Decia.

House Eudoxia and the Fourth Reformation

King Syncerastus Eudoxius I, whom the council had elected, reigned between 1251 - 1310. Under this monarch, some of the powers transferred back to the King as council members were replaced by his friends and family ranks, effectively allowing him to pass any proposal or law. His enemies were prosecuted and hunted for bounty, and the separation of higher nobility from the lower has become noticeable. These so-called Fourth Reformation reformations have shaken the state by the constant power transfer between the council and the kings.


The friendly House of the Grand Master of Serria has persuaded the King to aid his offensive crusade against the lands of Yinshan with an Aquilian naval fleet to transport them and Aquilian armies to aid them. Nonetheless, the Aquilians could spare only a smaller contingent of soldiers with a large fleet of transport ships dispatched from Eleusinia. The number of soldiers increased in each crusade, leading to more extensive harm done to the economy until eventually, the disastrous losses led to the cancellation of crusades in 1441. The end of the unpopular crusades also brought down the whole House of Eudoxia with them.

Iconian and Serrian forces during crusade painted in 1438.

During the reign of his benevolent grandson, the commoners have gained their democratic rights partially back by recreating the Royal Senate by merging it with the Royal Council. Angered nobles assassinated him before finishing his reforms and disbanded the Royal Senate in 1460.

The Era of Twenty Kings

The Royal Council started scheming for power again in an internal intrigue-based war between the ruling monarchs and councillors. Between 1460 - 1468, the ruling monarchs changed so often, causing the realm's instability as each new monarch started doing his reforms and never finished them. The councillors changed and claimed the throne embracing the chaos. At last, King Cylindrus Fagus I, coronated in 1469, stabilised the situation by disbanding the council altogether while increasing the nobles' authority over their lands.

House of Fagia

The prosperity started increasing, which started many construction and engineering projects throughout the realm. Three new universities were built in Arvinia, Aquilia and Ulpia. New King roads paved with stone and gravel encircling the Aquilian island were established with stone bridges suitable even for horse sledges. Nowadays, these roads can be seen connecting all coastal cities as the V1 highway partially copies their old paths. Two of the renewed roads also passed through the mountainous centre of the island, one of them built through the mountain pass of Lorenzi, connecting both halves and bringing prosperity to the central parts of Aquilia, in which the County of Seusus became a trade hub in the heart of the Aquilia.

Some of his projects were cancelled after his death in 1521. Continuing the projects faced many problems because many architects and technicians died before their finalisation. During the reign of his son Cylindrius Fagus II, the newly built universities started to manifest themselves by growing the literate and scientific community. Technological progress was gaining speed, and the King decided to build a network of Royal schools across the islands to educate an even more considerable portion of the middle-class population for a small fee.

The Age of Engineering

The War for Independence

1621 - 1780

The following major milestone for the Aquilian Kingdom was the engineering revolution. One of the progressive areas was water technologies and management. The universities of Arvinia and Ulpia worked for decades on a project to excavate artificial canals in the eastern part of Aquilia and connect local lakes into one interconnected body of water, allowing commerce to go downstream or upstream. By 1641, the universities tested a minor experimental canal system, and the plan to build the large one was initiated. The work ended in 1687, six years after the death of King Pellio Fagus I, who started the project.

King Cylindrius Fagus III opened the canal with a convoy of cargo ships led by his frigate onto the open sea and returned with goods from Dolfikland. Dolfikland, who kept warm relations with Aquilia, was one of the main driving forces for the industrial Revolution. New experimental technologies tested during hydrodynamics research were tested in projects resulting in the first Iconian-build steam machine used to pump water to local manufacturers. The machine produced steam of gas, pushing the pistons from heat. The machine exploded when the professors pushed it to its limits in 1752. New modified and larger experimental machines were created with the Dolfik empire's aid during the following years.

These machines started the industrial Revolution through the Aquilian Kingdom. Trade connections were re-established with former and new partners, which introduced us to their trade partners from the northeast. Significant shifts in the population followed the formation of the first factories in cities. Dolfiks and Edusans introduced gunpowder to Aquilians, opening a window for military inventions and new job opportunities.

Thessolakian Failure

Aquilia ⚔️ Thessolakia

The Kingdom of Thessolakia decided to buy and reverse-engineer cannons from the Dolfikland. In 1797 the Kingdom broke the long-forgotten truce signed in 619 and renewed the conflict. The First Aquilian attempt of stopping their fleet ended in disaster as the Thessolakian navy, equipped with cannons, quickly sent their ships to the seafloor. The Thessolakian fleet sailed towards Aquilia and blocked their major ports of Lucia and Aquilia afterwards. The Viridians, who reminded their commitment from the 7th-century war, surprised and broke the Aquilian blockade. The combined fleet then sailed to Lucia and broke this blockade too. Thessolakians gathered a second gun-equipped fleet and defeated the Aquilian invasion attempt afterwards. The second attempt overwhelmed their rebuilding fleet and got hold of a coastal port where the army disembarked. Thessolakians counted on their impenetrable navy, and therefore their army was relatively small. The armies clashed at the Battle of Ordius. Thessolakians fielded six fixed canons of Dolfik origin bought years ago, which caused chaos in the ranks of Aquilians. The cavalry swiftly countered the battery overrunning and capturing it, and Thessolakians retreated inland. The invasion army won the beachhead and followed the retreating army inland to the capital of Alania, where they commenced a futile last stand.

International Stage

The majority of Dolfik colonies started gaining independence during the late 18th century. The Aquilians have felt strong enough to challenge the Dolfik Empire, which was in amicable relations with them and decided to help the revolutionaries, supplying the Kerthenians and Qusmosi with weapons. At the same time, the Qusmosi also allowed military advisors and officers sent to help them.

The Fifth Reformation

The Great Council of Nola and The Great Betrayal

1805 - 1813

Nola has been the capital of the Duchy of Viridia since the unification of its island. With the final Kingdom incorporated into Aquilia, the King of Aquilia has assembled a Great Council of Nola, which all high-ranking nobles attended. The council's objective was to reform the Kingdom by giving its subjects more independence, effectively preventing another uprising, and uniting the whole archipelago. The Aquilian King wanted to achieve this by appointing Vice-Roys to rule the Lucian and Thessolakian Kingdoms in place of the Aquilian King to improve decentralisation, independence and coordination. As the council progressed, the nobles agreed to reform the Kingdom into an Empire incorporating Aquilia, Lucia and Thessolakia as its core states and rising the Viridia to Archduchy status with the four main Viridian Duchies subjected to it. The prestigious title of Archduke was awarded as highest of the new Imperial-Tier titles, on par with Royal titles for Viridian help in past conflicts. Nonetheless, this title was lost with the end of the Viridian House, and the throne remains unoccupied.

When the debate subject changed to imperial law, things became complicated. The council recreated or reformed many institutions, including the new imperial government, but many topics remained unresolved even after weeks of argumentation. The council's harmony started to break up, and the original goal of working out a win-win situation seemed to be impossible. After finishing an imperial constitution, the council disbanded.

The first Emperor, Lyco Valgus II, implemented the council's decisions in the following years, creating a Constitutional Monarchy. The Emperor managed the Empire in peace and harmony. Industries were growing, and politics started to take a more prominent role on the global scale. The First Emperor also laid the foundation of the City of Aurelia, the future capital city of the Empire. Following the years of harmony, the Emperor signed a law establishing governmental councils overlooking the nobility's actions in their lands. This action led to disorder among the nobility, which demanded the removal of this law. The discontent against the crown reached a critical stage during the following year, and the Emperor assembled a Council of Aquilia.

The Second Great Council was meant to soften the situation. The nobles arrived there with high expectations, but any noble who showed discontent or protested against the Emperor was arrested for violating imperial law. When the trials of the nobles had started, the remaining nobles rose and overthrew the Emperor, ultimately killing him. The Imperial Guard then stormed the council grounds and killed many innocent or rebellious aristocrats in the slaughter. After hearing about the events, the heir and second Emperor decided to close the city gates and prepare for war immediately. Surviving nobles, also the Viceroy of Lucia, were allowed to exit the city under the condition of supporting the Emperor. This event was later known as The Great Betrayal.

The Revolution

Iconian Archipelago in 1815 during the revolution.
Iconian Archipelago in 1821 nearing stabilisation of the situation.
Iconian Archipelago in 1822 with the revolutionaries defeated.

The Rise of The Empire of Iconia.

1816 - 1862

Note: All titles and ranks refer to international medieval titles. For more information on their original name, please contact the Director of the Institute of Heraldry or Tribunus Angusticlavius of the Imperial Household Agency. The Imperial Guard stationed in Aquilia quickly ended the coup d'état on the council's grounds. Nonetheless, the successors of the murdered nobles rebelled in their cities. The people in Aquilia have started boycotting or even hunting nobles in confusion. While Imperial Armies started cleaning the northern part of the island, the western part controlled by the Viceroy of Lucia tried to suppress their revolts, and the eastern government had entirely collapsed. Three-way civil war between the Emperor, Nobles and Revolutionaries commenced.

The revolutionaries formed an army while passing the countryside and "liberating" cities from their lords. Their army was inexperienced and inadequately equipped, but their strength was in their numbers. Upon the arrival of the Imperial army, the revolutionaries avoided the decisive clash and retreated. The battle was postponed at least eight times, during which the rebels resorted to guerilla tactics. When the Emperor rode to join his army, even the citizens of his city, Aquilia, revolted. When the news reached the Emperor, a forced march finally caught the rebelling army and massacred it.

The heart of the rebellion then moved to the capital. Viceroy of Lucia had full hands securing his realm against revolutionaries and could not provide any support. The Emperor himself rode to the Aquilia, accompanied only by his retinue to negotiate with the revolutionary leader who demanded the state's transformation into a democratic republic inspired by Serthenian revolutions. For apparent reasons, this was unacceptable for the Emperor, and the negotiations continued. The rebels still outnumbered the Imperial army. Morale in the besieged capital city started rapidly dropping with the Lucian army's arrival aiding the Emperor.

When the news spread through the city, and the negotiations were a dead end, the Emperor departed the city peacefully. Its citizens had no option other than letting him go unless the wrath of his army were to storm the city. Next month, loyal royalists have decided to open one of the city gates. The Imperial army exploited the breach and stormed into the city. Fighting continued street by street until the Emperor issued a halting command. Only a tenth of the city has been recaptured, yet the losses from fighting in crooked, uneven streets on both sides were immeasurable. The Emperor was open to negotiating again, and a ceasefire has commenced.

The Emperor knew a compromise had to be found because sooner or later, other cities would rebel. Even if he crushed the rebellion by force, it would not change the outcome. The stalemate lasted a week for the duration of negotiations. As a result, the rebels were offered an unfavourable but acceptable compromise and were allowed to go home in peace. However, the hostilities were continued by radical citizens who were unsatisfied with the results and set fire to the city. The radicals were captured and publicly executed with warning signs around their headless necks.

The compromise consisted of a new amendment added to the laws, allowing citizens to occupy official's posts over the cities and baronies and giving more freedom to all citizens of the Empire. These new titles were par with the peer titles and applied in all counties whose childless rulers died during the Great Betrayal or following Revolution. Although the army tried to extinguish the fire in the capital, the effort was unsuccessful, and most of the city had burned down. Merely sturdy stone buildings near the river were saved and served as the shelter for the homeless citizens, such as the Imperial palace itself. Emergency directives were issued, and other cities sent humanitarian help to the heart of the Empire. After all his efforts, the Emperor has succumbed to his battle and firefighting injuries.

The City of Aurelia, a project started by the late First Emperor of Aquilia, was planned for almost twenty years. Aurelian's core construction happened between 1826 - 1862. The city's planning has been entrusted to the leading Iconian universities, including the most prestigious architects throughout the Empire. The city was built with wide avenues, ornamental pavements, parks and natural ponds, the true crown jewel of the Empire. The city of Aquilia was rebuilt into its former glory in a similar style by the Committee formed from the experts working previously on the City of Aurelia. However, the new Emperor of the Vita dynasty, former Duke of Iconia, has decided to move into the Empire of Iconia's new capital. Finally, the Viceroy of Lucia has been given the throne of Lucia hereditary.

The Industrialisation

The road to self-sufficiency.

1862 - 1917

With the increasing demand for resources needed for the renewal of the cities, the Empire's firms expanded rapidly. The rate of unemployment in the regions was decreasing while their development increased. The Empire has lost its isolationist outlook by importing vast resources and goods from abroad. The Empire slowly increased its industrial and manufacturing capacities during the second half of the 19th century.

The rapid growth of industries has clearly shown that the Empire has to develop its industrial processes and technologies instead of relying on imported products. The first step towards a higher level of self-sufficiency was establishing the Imperial Research Agency (Hereinafter referred to as IRA), tasked with creating economic and development strategies and objectives that the Empire should strive to achieve. The state companies were the ideal recipients for developing those objectives with state money and forwarding them to the private sector's actual products. IRA decisions also established new Institutes of Sciences for various scientific fields, gathering discussion and philosophical clubs and making new diplomatic guidelines.

Among the objectives proposed by the IRA was the improvement of the domestic naval industry to international standards by introducing new naval construction techniques and steamships. The Imperial Senate also voted for establishing state railways, building the first telegraphic lines along the railroads and building the first steam-powered projects while electrifying the major cities with public lightning. Most of these advancements were already patented or created abroad, allowing the research to go quicker by technological spillover or outright licensed domestic production due to governmental donations.

The law established the first ministries and lower chamber of the parliament controlled by the civilian population in 1881. Nonetheless, the Imperial Senate stayed under the jurisdiction of the nobility. Emperor Gallicles Vitus II allowed the government to slowly democratise as he was still trying to compromise the situation since the Revolutionary war. Although the Emperor was hated initially for his father's actions during the civil war and the Great Betrayal, he became beloved for deeds of bringing prosperity to ordinary people and the whole Empire.

The Great War

The Crisis of the Monarchies

1918 - 1935

Dolfikland, Yinshan, Ostreich ⚔️ Anderia, Orbs, Cadenza, Kerthenia, Iconia, Serria

The Empire of Iconia lived through the wars of the past centuries in peace, trying to stay neutral and benefit from supplying one of the warring sides. This neutrality stance changed when the Great War started in 1917. The Axis nations of Dolfikland, Yinshan and Ostreich thought differently while the government counted on its neutral stance, shielding it against any threats. The Iconian archipelago was ideally suited as a staging base for the invasion of Serthenia and could support any sizable force.

Preceding the outbreak of the war, the Imperial Armed Forces prepared for a conflict as the tensions in the world rose through the years. The Admiralty has concluded that the Imperial navy is a strong enough deterrent to persuade anyone from attacking Iconia.

First Invasion of Iconia

The first invasion of Iconia started on 9th June 1918. The invasion fleet was sighted by the patrol boats east of Viridia. All available ships sailed to the last known place to redirect the fleet from their current heading. However, the admirals still believed that the fleet was not headed towards Iconia but merely sailing westwards. To the admiralty surprise, first shots splashed shortly after, and the whole navy was activated. The invasion fleet started shelling the eastern coast of Viridia in preparation for landing. Before they could land, local torpedo boats and smaller ships engaged the fleet with everything they had, losing half of their ships and critically damaging the rest.

When the main fleet arrived, the invasion fleet sent their first waves to death at the beaches. The Imperial Air Force has coordinated their attack to support the main fleet and struck hard. In the aftermath of the battle, only a few of the invaders' ships remained afloat. The Iconian fleet suffered heavy losses, and all of its dreadnaughts were heavily damaged, some with multiple torpedoes hitting their underwater bulges, rendering them inoperative for years to come.

The Iconian army in Viridia has mopped the invasion forces after they lost the ship artillery protection, and the Iconian government had then reached towards the serthenian nations to seek support. Kerthenia and Eusonia, who were already engaged in the war, decided to answer the call and supply Iconia with raw materials needed in the shipyards to rebuild the fleet. Furthermore, they sent a small contingent to protect the islands directly, seeing the existential threat of having an enemy staging base close to them. Other allied nations of Cadenza, Orbs, Serria or Anderia remained indifferent.

Second Invasion of Iconia

The second invasion of Iconia started on 1st January 1924 from the northeast, focused on the capital city port facilities and Viridian installations. When the fleet was spotted, a more cautious approach was taken. The air force conducted aerial attacks against the fleet to slow down its advance, giving time to gather opposing fleet. The naval attack commenced after all Viridian air assets were depleted, and the eastern invasion was defeated in a Pyrrhic victory. The second half of the invasion headed towards the capital, Aurelia city, which was not detected. The port installation was quickly overrun and coastal batteries built since the first invasion was damaged or destroyed. Unit of special forces has also taken one of the batteries, aiming it towards the capital city and other military installations. During the shelling of the city, Emperor Gallicles Vitus II died, leaving the throne to a month-old Nazarius Vitus II. The Admiralty of Aurelia pressed the city's citizens into service and tried to play for time until Iconian armies arrived. Eventually, the vanguard of iconian divisions arrived. The city of Aquilia sent their remaining naval assets to attack the invasion fleet. The whole Imperial Armed Forces converged on the capital city, eventually fending the invaders off. This invasion is sometimes called the Third Invasion of Iconia in historical sources.

The Modern Age

The New Era

1935 - 2000

Since the ending of the Great War, Iconia has established relations with more and more of the globalised world through diplomacy and trade. Some examples of it are the embassies and legacies of the Empire. These include the Embassy of Cequeras, the capital of Cresada, the Embassy of Moskovica, the capital of Nacija Slavia, the Embassy of Pulut, the capital of Yeristan, the Embassy of La Roy, capital of Malabar, the Embassy of Qjerizon, the Embassy in the capital of Nari, the Embassy of FRI, Legations in SUNC and each Kicar confederate state and others. Investments include many nations, including Nari with Lithium industry, Baydor with metal and ore industry, Dolfik bilateral economic, investment and space cooperation treaties, Cadenzan naval industries, CODET partnership or SECT membership, among others. Some of the more recent historical events are described in the sub-chapters below:

Coups d'état

In 1947, a communist betrayal in Klathunia overthrew the Klathunian Royal family, whom Iconians transported by ship from the port of Twitchengrad to asylum.

In 2018, a communist betrayal in Faulksinia overthrew the Faulksinian Royal family, whom Iconians transported to asylum between September 10 and 30th, 2018.

1954 Kolonian Independence War

In 1954, the Kolonia was situated in a precarious situation. The Iconians decided to help a young democratic nation gain a foothold for flourishing democracy in Meridian and Sverna.

Due to the conflict, both Barkadia and Nostrapais refused to accept the establishment of embassies or legacies on their sovereign land. The Embassy of Kara has to delegate diplomatic channels to Kara, who delegates them to Embassies of Barkadia or Nostrapais in turn. Following this conflict, the Serrian state has allowed us to invest in sharing a joint Iconian-Serrian base in Ameta in 1989 for keeping force projection in the Kolonian region.

2010 Icarian War

2019 The Second Barko-Kolonia War

2019 The Second Barko-Kolonian War

The quickly deteriorating situation in Sverna and quickly escalated and unprovoked war declared by Barkadia supported the Iconian decision to inform and evacuate Iconian citizens from the area.

In 2019, Iconians sent an amphibious naval task group to the Meridian region in reaction to the 2nd Barko-Kolonian War. The force was prepared to land in Kolonia to support their defence, but Kolonia has never been in a dire situation to call for this help.

Following the 2nd Barko-Kolonian War, Iconians sent humanitarian relief to Kolonia to rebuild the country from war attrition.

World Tensions Rising

In 2019, it was the 12th anniversary of NAWAP (Naval Wargame Practice) and NAWAS (Naval Wargame Simulation) between Serria and Iconia, inviting other nations to partake in the journey.

In 2019, Embassy was established in Nasfia following a catastrophe after which the Order of Augustus and Iconian Red Cross sent humanitarian support to the country.

20.6. 2019, a task force with engineers and other humanitarian support personnel sailed to Ithaka of Kerthenia to help repair terrorist damage.

During 2020, Verkimlund hosted several military exercises and war games Iconians. Namely the Special Forces Trail in Salisbury and Air Force Tattoo in Salisbury. With increasing relations with democracies of the world, Verkimlund and Dolfikland decided to help train the colonial police with us.

In 2022, the Imperial Defence Force was put into high readiness following the breakout of Baydoran War.

